Wow Korea Supporters Program

Wow Korea Supporters programs offers an exciting opportunity to all International Students to experience Korean Tourism at its finest. Every year, it recruits students from different Asian countries to go an a travel adventure to promote various scenic spots throughout Korea using SNS (faceboook, instagram, blogs). This is a very unique chance to see the natural wonders of Korea and explore a more interesting side of Korean culture.

This program has actually been very helpful in raising my interest not only about Korean Tourism but the entire culture as well. In fact, for my presentation for my final exam in class, I included Wow Korea Supporters Program as one of the things that I will always be thankful for experiencing. It was an honor to share to our class the places that we've been to and most of them was really amazed at the experience. My Korean teachers was also very proud that I joined the program.

I am very privileged to be a part of this program for this year and I'll make sure to do my best to fulfill  my role as a good ambassador of Korean Tourism. So for all of my Asian friends out there, don't miss this exciting opportunity! Take part and be ready for the most exciting ride of your life.


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