Guidelines for the Korean Government Scholarship Program

So lately I've been getting a couple of inquiries from random people about the application process for the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP). My personal SNS accounts were suddenly filled with questions not only about the KGSP guidelines but also about my personal experiences as a scholar. Although the application period for the graduate program is still months ahead, most of you want to collect as much info as possible and wish to plan ahead of time. Let me just say that you're off to a good start!

As much as I would like to assist all of you in a timely manner, it takes awhile for me to respond to each query because most of your messages are filtered through a private folder in FB and Instagram. Thus I am writing this post for prospective applicants since it would be more efficient for all of us rather than answering your messages individually. I would try as much as possible to cover the important points you guys raised but in case I did miss anything, feel free to comment below. :)

Well first things first, here's the link for the official website of the Scholarship Program. I believe it offers a really comprehensive procedure, requirements, allowance information, partner universities, language training, almost basically everything you need to know about the scholarship, lol!

But I recognize that most of you have already browsed the site and still found it lacking. Well, I'm just here to offer supplemental pieces of information or clarification that you might not find on the website. I won't rehash what's already in there so please do read it carefully. Also, I'm only familiar with the graduate scholarship program, the undergraduate cohort might have a slightly different system so please do check on the site again for any discrepancies.

I've organized all the questions that you guys sent and tried to include as many as possible.

Now let's begin your excruciating? (kidding, ;)) application journey! Goodluck!!!!! May the force be with you guys.

Q: Where do I submit my documents?
There are basically two tracks in the application process. You have the option to apply through your respective country's embassies or through the partner Universities.

So what's the difference you may ask. Well, if you apply through your embassy,  the first step involves passing your embassy's selection. Then the second stage would involve waiting for the response of at least one of the THREE Universities you've applied to. Yes, you heard that right, you can choose up to THREE Universities if you decide to go through the embassy track. Keep in mind that of course competition would be tough especially if you apply to the holy trinity of SKY Universities (Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University).

If you are confident enough and you want to fulfill the SKY dream then by all means, go for the top three. Or you can also play it safe and increase your chances by choosing at least one "safety net", meaning applying for one University that might not be in the top but would surely love to recruit more international students. Once one of the Universities have accepted you, they will forward your documents to NIIED (the agency responsible  for the scholarship). The third and final step would be passing the selection by NIIED, hooray!

Applying directly through the Universities involves a shorter but probably riskier? selection process. First step involves sending your papers directly to the Universities in Korea. NIIED releases a list of all the partner Universities as part of its application package. Now this is important, you can only choose ONE University to apply to. MAKE SURE WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL THAT IT IS REALLY THE UNIVERSITY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM IN. (lol, I'm kidding!) NO PRESSURE! I mean, come on, two to three years is no joke!

Anyway, after passing the University selection, your paper is forwarded directly to the NIIED. Now you just have to wait for NIIED's final selection then you're in! Congratulations!

Q: Did you apply through University or Embassy?
I applied through University just don't ask which one, lol ;)

Q: What questions were asked in the interview?
Honestly, I'm afraid I can't help you guys with this one. :( You see, all Universities and Embassies have their own set of questions depending on the candidates. Personally, I didn't go through the interview process, I was just informed by my University that I miraculously passed. But from what my friends told me, as far as my country is concerned, our embassy conducted a group interview while those who applied through Unis were interviewed individually through Skype.

Q: Which Universities have more quotas?
The quota given each year depends not only by University but also by country. They change the quota annually so please refer to the application package when deciding for your University. Usually, top Universities would tend to have more quotas but lower admission rate and stricter competition.

Q: Do I need a language test like TOEFL, IELTS, or TOPIK?
Well if you have any of those three, then good for you. Some Universities probably give additional points for them but it's not mandatory. As for TOPIK, again not mandatory but if you got level 5 or higher, then you don't need to go through the language training program (minus the fun) but also a plus since you get an additional allowance. :)

Q: Do I need to contact a Korean Professor before applying to the program?
No, in most cases and depending on your major, you don't need to contact a Korean professor. But from what I gathered from people in the Science field, it was also advisable if you already have a specific research topic and a possible Professor you would like to work with in your study. You can possibly contact the Professor and asked to be a part of his research team.

Again, this requires some research on your University website to browse through the program offerings and the Professors in-charge.

Q: How do I write the study plan and compute my grades?
In this part, I think the golden rule of honesty is the best policy applies. I mean, just be sincere in writing what your future plans are including your research area of interest. You don't have to be very detailed, but at least include important specifics such as the relevance of your studies, how would it contribute to your personal and professional growth and of course, future career path. It would also help to include if you plan to go back to your country after graduation or find a Korean Oppa and settle here (Lol, again, I'm kidding, just want to take some pressure off your shoulders) ;)

In any case, just have a clear focus and direction that would give an overview on why you really want to study in Korea. As for the grades, the application package also includes a transmutation table so do the math. :)

Q: What are the medical requirements for submission after passing the selection?
It includes a bunch of medical tests such as TB, AIDS, respiratory, dental and pregnancy exam. At this point, I sort of forgot the specific tests but no need to worry if you are young and healthy physically, emotionally, and psychologically. No, I'm, kidding, relax!  (Unfortunately, there's no psychological test for KGSP, hahahah) lucky you! ;)

Pregnant women are not allowed to apply for the scholarship, but there is no restriction if you "accidentally" get pregnant AFTER being admitted to the program, meaning once you're in Korea, so ladies, take note! ;)

Q: If I don't pass this year, will I still be allowed to apply next year?
Yes, you're still eligible! Don't give up, if you really want to study here then there's no limit to how many times you can apply. Although you didn't get it this year, who knows?, you might get it in the next round. Hope is eternal guys so keep going, 파이팅! You can apply until your heart can no longer take the pain of disappointment, lol, but if it's really for you, then it will be given to you so take courage!

Q: Can I choose which University to take the Korean language training?
Unfortunately, that's not possible. NIIED assigns grantees to random Universities. There's a slim chance you would be together with people from your country. As much as possible, they try to distribute people from different countries to different language institutions.

Also, if your University for the Degree Program is located in Seoul, then you will definitely be assigned to a language institute outside of Seoul. If you chose a University in the province for your Masters, then your language institute would probably be in Seoul or Incheon.

Q: How was the Korean Language Training Program? Was it enough to learn Korean in just a year and do your degree?
Hhhmm, this is a tricky one since all grantees would have different experiences. But the aggregate response coming not only from me but majority of all the people I know would be positive. In all honesty, I would advise that you enjoy the most out of your language year since beginning your Degree Program would be a different story. Your language year may seem challenging especially when TOPIK period comes (oh, the stress of getting level 3!), but there were a variety of cultural experiences and educational trips offered that are guaranteed to make the lessons more engaging. And the best part? FRIENDS! (Shout out to YU Peeps, Orangetown Crew and my Pinoy squad!) :) :) :) :) :)
I'm lucky that I got to meet the craziest and coolest bunch of people during my language year, they made learning Korean suck less. Misery loves company right? Excuse the profanity, lol. haha

On a serious note, the language year is not only about learning Korean, it's also about learning how to live and peacefully co-exist with people coming from different cultural backgrounds. This is due to the fact that during the language year, all grantees are required to live in the University dormitories so yeah, expect a lot of adventures when you confine a bunch of totally unique people in one residence.

As for passing TOPIK, yeah of course it's STATISTICALLY possible to pass level 3 in a year, but again, REALISTICALLY, it's going to be challenging so be prepared!
If everything fails, there's always soju and noraebang, haha.

Q; What happens if I don't get TOPIK level 3 in one year?
I feel you buddy, but don't be frustrated. You are allowed a 6-month extension after the one year period to try and pass level 3. This is your last chance to pass the test and start your Degree Program so put all your efforts in and do your best during the extension period. If you still didn't get level 3 even after the extension, then depending on your University for the Degree Program, you MIGHT get a conditional acceptance based on a certain score but THIS IS NOT FOR ALL UNIVERSITIES. Most Universities will send you home if you fail TOPIK since this is what's originally stipulated in the conditions of the scholarship program.

Furthermore, the TOPIK struggle doesn't end with just getting level 3. You need level 3 to START your Degree Program but again, MOST Universities indicate at least level 4 as a GRADUATION requirement. Mine does so check with your Universities again during your orientation.

Q: Did you know any Korean before coming to Korea?
I would lie if I say I started from scratch. Following Kim Soo-Hyun and watching all those Korean dramas while in the Philippines introduced me to basic Korean. But my ability was only limited to self-introduction, how to say handsome, food names and that's it, I'm no expert, even now! lol.

Fun tip: I used the online application "Memrise" for vocabulary development during my TOPIK Preparation. It's fun and easy to use and most of the words really do appear in the exam. If you can get access to the book, "TOPIK in 30 days", all the better.

Q: Was the allowance enough to cover everything?
The allowance was given to us every month in its entirety and it's up to us how to budget it in terms of food, dorm and books. It's enough to cover a simple lifestyle, I mean, nothing too fancy like shopping every week, going to extravagant trips or frequently attending KPOP concerts.

Aside from the basic necessities, it was to say the least, enough to cover a night-out with my friends every week,  short weekend trips, food trips now and then, or online shopping sometimes???  (haha) Thank u Gmarket.

Q: How are the lectures in the Degree Program taught? Are the course requirements hard?
Well folks, I think summarizing my experience in the Degree Program would be better included in another post. Hahaha ;)

As far as the initial KGSP application process goes, those are pretty much the questions you have to consider when applying. So, may the odds be ever in your favor guys! Once again, good luck!

Disclaimer: This post is not the official source for the scholarship guideline so please check the link included. Also, I was not paid to endorse any commercial material included in this post.


  1. Hi, I just want to ask if it's okay to apply for a part-time job while studying in Korea?


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